stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


like a parasite

***heroes recap***

ok, so this was the last new episode we’ll see until the end of april. as a result, 839,543 things happened and i’m still trying to sort it all out. BEAR with me, ya’lll.

when we last left off, HRG was getting a bullet in the stomach and his brains cleaned out by the haitian. now the haitian and claire are on the lam and it looks like they’re going to leave the country. that is, until claire tries to pull a fast one at the airport and makes a detour to grandma’s house and is, ultimately, BUSTED when she realizes the haitian figured out her plan and was waiting there with grams. but hey, it’s a heart warming reunion. turns out grams was in on this little game all along.

meanwhile... HRG and mrs. bennet are trying to sort out who remembers what and are staying in a hotel because of the flooded basement (?) and it’s a vacation of sorts but they wish claire was there but too bad, she’s at “cheerleading camp.” we learn quickly that mrs. bennet remembers some choice items that HRG revealed to her the day before, before he had the haitian pull a mr. clean on his skull. he even wrote himself a note in his handwriting just in case. clever. it all seems to be going great at hotel bennet until there’s a knock at the door and it’s.... a bad actress. and also? the NEW HERO. and she’s got a little mission for HRG. and her name is candace? i guess?

so back at isaac’s pad, simone’s still allegedly dead and even though we saw her looking very undead in the previews for this week, confusion abounds. the police show up to investigate an anonymous tip (thanks to the petrelli bros.) and suddenly a very alive simone walks through the front door and wants to know what all the fuss is about. after the police realize it’s some sort of misunderstanding and leave, “simone” shapeshifts into CANDACE. ah ha! so simone is still totally dead, but candance is totally a shapeshifter. but still? a bad actress. i guess you can’t have it all.

hiro has some trouble trying to get to linderman’s sword in vegas, and during his attempt to get the sword, some guy triggers the security button and it looks pretty bad, but then it all ends well when “security” shows up and it’s ando! and he’s there to save the day! hiro FINALLY gets his powers back just in time to thwart some thugs and he teleports ando and himself into the very bleak future, where it looks like some gnarly shit just went down. dang. double dang.

turns out nathan is working with the FBI, jessica is hot in his tail and and i am bracing myself for another sick jessica murder but, thank god, niki has taken over and nathan is set free to go get linderman himself. he finds him and... oh wait it’s malcolm mcdowell.. and he knows all nathan’s secrets and looks like no one is going to have to die in this kitchen, today. *phew*

meanwhile, mohinder’s totally discovered that sylar is a lying, murdering bastard and drugs him with some chai latte. personally i would have used something stronger. maybe a valium, even. because it turns out? chai doesn’t do much to dilute sylar’s powers. eventually peter shows up and when he feels a bit o’ blood dripping from the ceiling ONTO HIS FACE, he looks up and sees mohinder all tacked up there and it looks pretty unsavory.

sylar’s waiting in the shadows with baited breath, and before you know it, he’s got our favorite hero up against the wall and he’s.... oh no..... he’s totally slicing open peter’s head.


this does not look good.

TO BE CONTINUED... IN APRIL.... ahhhhhhhh