stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


floating tidbits

i keep forgetting that i'm going to MN on the red eye saturday night, and it's messing with me a bit. holy crap, i need a vacation. i don't think my brain is able to comprehend the fact that i will not have to work for nine days.

today aaron dropped off some poop samples for cosette and camus with the vet. he has a theory that they are upcharging people to do a parasite test by preying on our fears and insecurities. this test is $104 a pop. i think his sentiment about this was something along the lines of "dude, come on, just because cosette has a bit of the drizzly droo* or the ra-ra**, doesn't mean it's a parasite!!" but on the other hand, she has had the ra-ra for almost a week straight, and camus' ra-ra has come and gone, so i guess it's good to be more safe than sorry.

in other news, they are both vet-certified to fly on our aforementioned red-eye flight, which now sounds funny to me when i just got done talking about the brown-eye. i know, i'm gross. but! the one thing that IS worriesome is the fact that camus has to fly in the luggage area underneath, and if the temp is BELOW 10 DEGREES either on this side or that side, they cannot fly him. current temps for mpls are projected to be in the high 20s for the day we fly, but...i'm a little nervouse. and yes i wanted that e on the end of nervouse. it makes it seem french or somesuch.

today i had a meeting with some fancy talent agency research people who were not only smart, they were also some pretty hott ladies. they got in a three-way discussion with my boss about NANNIES which was where i promptly glossed over and started thinking about wine. this always happens when anything relating to babies comes up. i automatically think about wine or sushi.

currently, aaron is one half-hour into a 90-minute massage with the enviable zach t. i will be taking my turn with zach around 7:45pm tonight, and i wish i could communicate with typed words how UNCONTROLLABLY EXCITED I AM ABOUT THIS, but alas, you will just have to imagine my unbridled excitement for yourselves.

so there you have it.

18 nablopomo entries down, 11 mo' to go. (see, i skipped a day, because i suck)

* aka diarrhea
** aka diarrhea


So@24 said...

Did you know "meh" got officially inducted into the dictionary a few days ago?

Thought you should know.

jiggins said...

Your mind does tend to wander.. but yeah! for massages.. woot. let us know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

"they got in a three-way discussion with my boss about NANNIES which was where i promptly glossed over and started thinking about wine. this always happens when anything relating to babies comes up. i automatically think about wine or sushi."

I do the same thing! Since I don't have kids, I guess that's what we dog owners do when baby talk comes up. LOL! I can talk up a storm about my 2 and a quarter dogs, but babies... *shudder*