stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


murder down below.

we live on the top floor of a duplex which is mostly? awesome. it means that we don’t have to deal with people living ABOVE us. more often than not, we have a peaceful coexistence with the two todds and a jake who live below us, despite their inclination to be Frat Boy Party Dudes. don’t get me wrong, I totally adore frat boy party dudes.

um, except for when they make me wonder if THEY ARE MURDERING PEOPLE IN THE BEDROOM BELOW ME.

so here’s the situation. I had a very lovely ME day yesterday wherein all I did was hang out with myself, except for when I had my massage therapist, um, MASSAGE THE HELL OUT OF ME. so except for that, my human interaction yesterday was limited to:

  1. the person who checks me in at the gym and some inconsequential people who happened to be at the gym at the same time as me
  2. a fleeting moment when eddie and I discussed him NOT ordering The Fight here, but instead “going out” to watch it (yessss! chick flicks and wine ME!)
  3. a discussion with liana via text wherein I declined an invitation to hang out with the crew so I could, um, “not shower” and “turn in early”
  4. a couple phone calls with aaron wherein I was all “hey! I did nothing today! mostly! and mostly nothing!”

so that was my day, in a nutshell.

I watched “catch and release” and weirdly, loved it, and cosette and I had some wine (me moreso than her) and I lit a bunch of candles and I ordered expensive food and made a nice indentation on the couch. around 11pm I said to cosette MAN AM I EVER BUSHED! let’s call it a night. and she snorted in concurrence. so 11pm-ish I was snuggled into bed and I had all sorts of weird ideas of “getting up super early” and being “super productive.”

and I lived happily ever after.

no. notsomuch.

anyway. eddie rolls in around1-ish and made enough of a ruckus to stir me from my slumber. not a huge ruckus, mindyou, but enough. and since aaron isn’t here, well, I guess I’m my own watchdog so I was all… hey! who’s in the house! and then I was all, oh! it’s my roommate.

I’m a detective in my spare time.

anyway, not more than 30 minutes later, there was another ruckus down below. I know that sounds weird, but let me explain. so there was SCREAMING and WALL POUNDING and WEIRD RUNNING NOISES. so I propped myself up on my elbows and was like, um, WHAT THE MUTHER EFF is going on, um, to myself.

and I continued to listen to SCREAMING and more WALL POUNDING and then some SHRILL LAUGHTER. and then? I realized that the frat boy party dudes must have just returned from the bars. but it took me a full FIVE minutes to really understand that someone wasn’t getting murdered. because WHO SCREAMS AND WALL POUNDS AND RUNS BACK AND FORTH at 2 in the morning?

whatever. I guess it was all fine and good, but it really sounded like they were breaking down the house down there. turns out? just drunk and rowdy. death count: zero.

I feel old. other news, i saw DEXTER at the gym on thursday evening. its like, he's stalking me. except hey! mr. dexter! i didn't kill anyone (yet)! so leave me alone and stop trying to race me on the treadmill!!! kthxbai.


Unknown said...

Dude. You almost got to see me running down the hallway to ensure you were ok. Seriously. Scared me.

Anonymous said...

*laughing out loud*

I have to say. That was a good read. I am glad that the death count is zero.