stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


my dog as a pin cushion

for xmas eve, i decided to treat my poor sinus-congested cosette to a little pin-needle action. she's had a cold for over a week now, and she's been MISERABLE because she really hasn't been able to properly breathe (which means we've been MISERABLE because she's kept us up all night). we have her on some chinese herbs called astra c, but we thought, hey, why not try come needle therapy.

i call this: porcu-sette.

anyway, she kinda hated it at first and shook out three of the needles, but eventually she became a pile of poked mush and, maybe, just maybe, she loved us a little more for doing it to her.

ps. she can breathe MUCH better now, thankyouverymuch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor little pup.

Now, do always use alternative medicine for her vet care? Because one of my dogs has bad skin problems and the vets solutions aren't working. plus, the vet bills are killing me.