stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


mah b*tches.

tonight i had dinner with the ladies. it's been an interesting year for my girls. one just got engaged and the other two just recently found the men they want to marry and *gulp* make babies with...

the four of us had dinner on the patio at my favorite sunday supper joint and since everyone was hungover EXCEPT me (see previous entry) i ended up indulging in the $10 bottle-of-wine deal mostly by myself. mmmm delicious $10 wine. me likey you.

anyway, i miss my girls, like, a lot. they are so busy nesting and being good "other halves" that we don't get a lot of girl time alone. but the great news is that, when we do, we still chat our stupid faces off and have that i really couldn't imagine life without them. excitingly, i now get to imagine life with them +1 each, and wonderfully, i love all their +1's.



Stephanie said...

Lovely Sunday evening. And the fact that you love their guys and can still hang out as the girl is wonderful!

Pretty Lush said...

a girl's gotta have her ladies.