stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


(my)* randy. [with edit]

congrats, my boy.

the game isn't over yet, but so far the following records have been broken:

  1. Tom Brady broke the season record for touchdown passes
  2. Randy Moss broke the season record for touchdown catches
  3. New England broke record for most points by a team in a season (previously set by (my) randy against (my) '98 Vikings)

no matter what the outcome of the game, this has still been a heart-warming-give-me-chills game so far.

and there's still 10 minutes in the 4th quarter to go!

as you were.

*(my) randy because i've loved and believed in him SINCE DAY 1. in case you didn't already know that. loves that boy!!


THEY DID IT. so effing cool. 16-0. AMAZING.

watch the pass that made me nearly pee my pants: here


kick ass.

so, due to all of your input
(brutally honest and wonderful, btw)
i returned these ugly things:
and replaced with these:

i know. i'm smarter than i look.

my dog as a pin cushion

for xmas eve, i decided to treat my poor sinus-congested cosette to a little pin-needle action. she's had a cold for over a week now, and she's been MISERABLE because she really hasn't been able to properly breathe (which means we've been MISERABLE because she's kept us up all night). we have her on some chinese herbs called astra c, but we thought, hey, why not try come needle therapy.

i call this: porcu-sette.

anyway, she kinda hated it at first and shook out three of the needles, but eventually she became a pile of poked mush and, maybe, just maybe, she loved us a little more for doing it to her.

ps. she can breathe MUCH better now, thankyouverymuch.


happy holidays!

i just got back from one of the best liquid lunches ever. the kind where you feel pretty awesome, but not like taking a nap. the kind where you had a raspberry mojito (or two and half) but not quite three. the kind where you laughed and giggled and remembered to be thankful for having some of the most awesome co-workers, ever.

and then i realized, i'm actually done working until 9am on wednesday morning.

and holy shit! that's awesome town. because for most of the day? i forgot it was even friday. friday before a bunch of days off, no less.

it's like when you wake up at like WAY TOO EARLY O'CLOCK and think OH SHIT ! I'M GOING TO BE LATE! and then you realize, ohhh yesssssssssssssss. i actually have, like, 2 more hours of sweet, sweet sleep.

yeah, kinda like that.

and in case i haven't said it yet (i haven't) HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(extra exclamation points for effect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


funny find.

i found this on this blog and, so, ignoring the fact that "underneath is misspelled," this really doesn't make much sense.

however, the blog author provides the following Theory:

"Okay so this is how I imagine this conversation went:

Walmart Employee: “Hello 'dis Walmarts, how can I help you?”

Customer: “Yes, I would like to order a cake for a going away party this week.”

Walmart Employee: “Whatchu want on the cake?”

Customer: “Best Wishes Suzanne.” And underneath that “We will miss you”.

in addition to the fact that i just had diet coke and a chocolate mint candy cane for breakfast, I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING about this.


ROCKET EDITION! !!!! !!!!!!!

i don't post videos too often anymore, because, well, i don't know.

but this one was so powerfully awesome, i couldn't help myself.


oh my gosh, this video excites me to no end.


ho ho ho

so i am officially 95% done with all my xmas shopping. i have to credit aaron with doing most of it, however, so i don't want all of you starting a petition to have me named as a saint, or anything.

but anyway, i feel an overwhelming sense of relief. so much so, that i decided to get myself a little something. and it looks like this:

i honestly can't decide if i love them or hate them. i guess i will make the final decision when they arrive in the mail, i think by friday.


what do you think?? love em or hate em?


when going back to work is actually relaxing

so it's been 6 non-stop days of entertaining and being entertained. can i tell you that i was actually excited to come into work today because it meant i wasn't going to have to

a) thing of creative/fun things to do
b) eat too much food
c) spend too much money
d) think

haha, that last part is funny. i actually DO have to think today. like, a lot. but at least it involves things that i'm used to and/or good at thinking about rather than TRYING TO BE CREATIVE AND ENTERTAINMENT MINDED EVERY SECOND OF EVERY MINUTE.

yeah, i like this "work" thing.

in all seriousness, i had THE BEST VACATION. i'm very sad it's over. my parents and in-laws all ROCK and the fact that they can party together is a very, very cool thing.

also? i think the new CRANIUM WOW! board game might be the best invention since twister. i know, bold move, but i think it to be so.

moer updates/anecdotes to come. that is, if you CAN HANDLE IT.


old enough to know better.

so found a fur-lined hoodie today.
it was awfully unique
upon it's label, text read
"authentic vintage"

can anyone explain how a fur-lined hoodie could be AUTHENTICALLLY VINTAGE?

who wore HOODIES in the VINTAGE days?

wondering in LA,

shakin tha aaaassss

my moms and i went to a "six pack abs" class today followed IMMEDIATELY by the standard "yoga booty ballet" class.

i mean, hi, i have a JOB which means i dont spend ALL DAY working out.

but, whatever.

me and moms still held OUR OWN. in fact, the instructor was all "ruby, let's see you relax a bit" whilst saying " ruby's mom, relax."

so iguess whutimasayin is: MY MOM'S FAULT IF IM AN UPTIGHT BIATCH.

ps/ loves yous moms.
so. my parentals have arrived, yes.

mostly, my mom can drink a homeless person under a bridge and my stepdad can school any single one of you on the nuances of hefeweizen.


none of the above items makes ANYONE moulin rouge-proof.

so i sit here, with aaron and eddie roaming in and out of the room, watching THE BEST MUSICAL EVER MADE while everyone else is "otherwise occupied."


i NEED TO KNOW that there are others out there that LOVE MOULIN ROUGE AS MUCH AS MOI.

because, OMG I DIE each time i watch this movie.




i'm on vacation until the 16th after today, so on many, many levels, today is effing awesome.

some reasons why:
  • arrived at work and there was a cute little holiday bag of GHIRADELLI & LINDOR chocolate sitting on my desk courtesy of my lovely analyst [he's a GEM]
  • chocolate for breakfast, b*tches
  • i got an email from a client that included the compliment "you're like a ninja"
  • i just got done helping a fellow co-worker with something and he quipped, "i'm so glad you're smart." and my reply was "i'm so glad you think so."
  • aaron finally flies home from MN today (he stayed a few extra days than originally planned)
  • free lunch ME
  • my parents arrive from MN a few hours later
  • i have reservations at our favorite tapas and BYOW joint tonight
  • it's our 16-year anniversary of dating
  • it's tuesday but it FEELS like friday

aw, yeah.


we got elf'd

maybe i had some free time on my hands this weekend. maybe not.

either way, someone "elf'd" us. so, um, enjoy.

>>>>>>>> elfalicious! <<<<<<<<<<<

mah b*tches.

tonight i had dinner with the ladies. it's been an interesting year for my girls. one just got engaged and the other two just recently found the men they want to marry and *gulp* make babies with...

the four of us had dinner on the patio at my favorite sunday supper joint and since everyone was hungover EXCEPT me (see previous entry) i ended up indulging in the $10 bottle-of-wine deal mostly by myself. mmmm delicious $10 wine. me likey you.

anyway, i miss my girls, like, a lot. they are so busy nesting and being good "other halves" that we don't get a lot of girl time alone. but the great news is that, when we do, we still chat our stupid faces off and have that i really couldn't imagine life without them. excitingly, i now get to imagine life with them +1 each, and wonderfully, i love all their +1's.


murder down below.

we live on the top floor of a duplex which is mostly? awesome. it means that we don’t have to deal with people living ABOVE us. more often than not, we have a peaceful coexistence with the two todds and a jake who live below us, despite their inclination to be Frat Boy Party Dudes. don’t get me wrong, I totally adore frat boy party dudes.

um, except for when they make me wonder if THEY ARE MURDERING PEOPLE IN THE BEDROOM BELOW ME.

so here’s the situation. I had a very lovely ME day yesterday wherein all I did was hang out with myself, except for when I had my massage therapist, um, MASSAGE THE HELL OUT OF ME. so except for that, my human interaction yesterday was limited to:

  1. the person who checks me in at the gym and some inconsequential people who happened to be at the gym at the same time as me
  2. a fleeting moment when eddie and I discussed him NOT ordering The Fight here, but instead “going out” to watch it (yessss! chick flicks and wine ME!)
  3. a discussion with liana via text wherein I declined an invitation to hang out with the crew so I could, um, “not shower” and “turn in early”
  4. a couple phone calls with aaron wherein I was all “hey! I did nothing today! mostly! and mostly nothing!”

so that was my day, in a nutshell.

I watched “catch and release” and weirdly, loved it, and cosette and I had some wine (me moreso than her) and I lit a bunch of candles and I ordered expensive food and made a nice indentation on the couch. around 11pm I said to cosette MAN AM I EVER BUSHED! let’s call it a night. and she snorted in concurrence. so 11pm-ish I was snuggled into bed and I had all sorts of weird ideas of “getting up super early” and being “super productive.”

and I lived happily ever after.

no. notsomuch.

anyway. eddie rolls in around1-ish and made enough of a ruckus to stir me from my slumber. not a huge ruckus, mindyou, but enough. and since aaron isn’t here, well, I guess I’m my own watchdog so I was all… hey! who’s in the house! and then I was all, oh! it’s my roommate.

I’m a detective in my spare time.

anyway, not more than 30 minutes later, there was another ruckus down below. I know that sounds weird, but let me explain. so there was SCREAMING and WALL POUNDING and WEIRD RUNNING NOISES. so I propped myself up on my elbows and was like, um, WHAT THE MUTHER EFF is going on, um, to myself.

and I continued to listen to SCREAMING and more WALL POUNDING and then some SHRILL LAUGHTER. and then? I realized that the frat boy party dudes must have just returned from the bars. but it took me a full FIVE minutes to really understand that someone wasn’t getting murdered. because WHO SCREAMS AND WALL POUNDS AND RUNS BACK AND FORTH at 2 in the morning?

whatever. I guess it was all fine and good, but it really sounded like they were breaking down the house down there. turns out? just drunk and rowdy. death count: zero.

I feel old. other news, i saw DEXTER at the gym on thursday evening. its like, he's stalking me. except hey! mr. dexter! i didn't kill anyone (yet)! so leave me alone and stop trying to race me on the treadmill!!! kthxbai.


my man got MONK'D

ok. so i had a party, naturally, to celebrate aaron's official "TV DEBUT!" it was small-ish because the man of honor was not actually in the state, you know. but it was nice.

the facts are these:

  • i braved bristol farms ALL BY MYSELF and procured three varieties of cheese! olive tapenade! a rustic bread loaf! three different kinds of wine! exotic vegetable "chips"!, sugar free red bull! fancy bottles of water! holiday blend coffee!!.... [normally, i have to admit, i'm a little intimidated by Bristol Farms. 1) because it's RIDICULOUSLY expensive 2) fancy people shop there and 3) it's RIDICULOUSLY expensive. however! when celebrating such things as Your Husband's TeeVee Debut, no expenses should be spared.]
  • the guest list included: my brother-in-law and his wife; newly-engaged jamie & johnny; newly-living-in-sin liana & tal and, of course, eddie the wonder roommate.
  • aaron's performance was: outstanding. he looks AMAZING on the "small" screen
  • i have a STELLAR WINE BUZZ
  • i am so proud

i think, for now, that just about sums it up. however. a little math problem for you:

5 bottles of wine + 1 aaron coming home on sunday + 2 parents arriving in town on tuesday on our 16-year dating anniversary =


please leave your short essay answers in the comment form below.

cheers, b*tches.


so cool.

aaron on teevee. so awesome.


how'd you get here?

a snapshot of recent keywords that ultimately led some very interesting people (no doubt) to this here blargh.

47.93% lolthom
7.44% office holiday games
5.79% office holiday party games
4.96% hiphopapotamous
2.48% kroq choclet rain
2.48% what is lolthom
1.65% rubiquity
1.65% blargh relegated!
1.65% craving horseradish
1.65% lemonic
0.83% prison break bleeps
0.83% is kibble n bits unhealthy]
0.83% poo toy
0.83% office holiday game
0.83% rhymenocerous and the hiphopapotamous
0.83% kevin and bean don't bogart that joint
0.83% papa smurf video i feel good
0.83% office holiday party ideas, games
0.83% the opposite of trust is not trust
0.83% claire's dad killed nathan
0.83% jennifer garner
0.83% subway fiesta sub
0.83% hiphopapotamous and rhymenocerous
0.83% keep it to the knees
0.83% michael c. hall
0.83% lolthom means

interesting, no?



last night my co-worker KB and i attended the juno premiere in westwood. KB had never been to a Red Carpet Premiere before, and after getting rejected by (1) my husband and (2) another co-worker, i asked him to be my +1.

ps. he was THRILLED.

i had already seen an industry screening of the movie, but i wanted to see it again wearing a black dress and sparky jewelry, um, so i did.

the energy was awesome, you could tell everyone that made this movie was really proud of it and it's already been nominated for a bunch of awards, so that makes it extra fun. because nothing sucks more than going to a premiere for a bad movie.

anyway, we were treated to a live mini-concert immediately following the film courtesy of the moldy peaches . it was too cute.

then, we were off to the after-party where we positioned ourselves in the middle of all the hobnobbing, between jk simmons, ellen page, allison janey, sarah silverman, jimmy kimmel and rainn wilson. we just slithered in and made ourselves comfortable.

KB was on a mission to obtain himself a celebrity girlfriend (top choice: jennifer garner), but alas, it was not meant to be. not meant to be LAST NIGHT, that is. but KB is young, he's got time on his side. and a healthy dose of confidence, so go KB!

after an hour or so, things started winding down and we decided to end the evening just before our car turned back into a pumpkin.

to summarize: awesome cast, great film. go see juno tomorrow (in NY & LA) and, eventually, nationwide....

see pics of the stars on the red carpet: here


doin' it

  • i'm very very very glad the blog challenge has ended. you can't really appreciate the pressure of blogging every day for an entire month unless, well, you've done it. so for those of us who did it: CONGRATS! and for those who haven't? or for those who somehow pussed out along the way? well, um, suck it!

  • i'm in the middle of a week-long rally which has so far involved: watching football with the guys at pink taco, comedy night at comedy union, an evening with southern folk and inappropriate jokes about Spotted Dick and a wedding overlooking laguna beach.

  • in the next few days i will: attend a premiere i am very excited about, go to my company holiday party and then? send my husband off to minnesota sans-a-moi.

  • then? i will be left to my own devices for an ENTIRE WEEKEND and i am guessing? insanity will ensue. or? i will finally clean out the stupid damn closet i've been threatening to clean out for, like, a few years.

  • probably not.

  • MORE likely? i will dress my dog in a dress and we will have a tea party.