stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


rat in a cage.

so i joined another gym. they lured me in with promises of free massages and yoga mats. they also happen to be right out the door from my office, so it was like, if i didn't join, they were FOREVER GOING TO MOCK ME EVERY TIME I LEFT WORK.

so i joined. did i cancel my other gym membership? hells no. i now have a weekday gym and a weekend gym. it makes sense in my squirrel brains, so it must be awesome.

so i was talking about this REALLY AWESOME HARDCORE SCULPT class i took the other night when my temporary officemate chimed in with,

"oh yeah, i avoid those classes because i don't want to be THAT GUY in the class that doesn't know what the hell he's doing."

"yeah, i know what you mean. i always find myself looking at the 'new kid' in class like... ohhhh myyyy goodddddd, WHAT IS (S)HE DOING!?!?"

"see it's the PEOPLE LIKE YOU!"

"HOWEVER, i was the new kid in class on tuesday night. i went in, grabbed my weights, medicine ball, strap etc. etc. and i parked myself in a seemingly inconspicuous spot in the room. i was situating myself feeling all lucky when i could tell a couple of the REGULARS were staring and whispering at me. one came over and was like, UM ARE YOU TEACHING THE CLASS? and i, at first, was flattered and said, um, no, why? and this b*tchface was all UM BECAUSE YOU ARE SETTING UP WHERE THE TEACHER NORMALLY, UM, TEACHES. SO EITHER YOU ARE TEACHING OR YOU'RE REALLY, UM, UNCOMFORTABLY CLOSE TO WHERE SHE WILL BE. " needless to say, i, um, looked like a jackass.

i think you deserved that.

TOUCHE, office mate, TOUCHE.

so anyway, since joining a week ago, i've now tried (1) yoga class, (1) cardio sculpt + kick ass abs class, ran on (1) treadmills, ellipticled on (1) ellipticals and i'll tell you this about my new gym: IT'S HOT.

no seriously.

it's like a god damn sauna. but there's a lot to be said for sweating before you even bust a move. that's what i call "efficient."

stay tuned for more "new kid in the class" adventures. in which i look like a jackass. again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your quote:
"yeah, i know what you mean. i always find myself looking at the 'new kid' in class like... ohhhh myyyy goodddddd, WHAT IS (S)HE DOING!?!?"

Holy shit, I snorted... that was awesomely funny!