stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


i don't care what you say. i love panda.

on friday i rushed home from work so that we could slither in to food court LA before the 7pm end of happy hour. we ordered (8) $5 appetizers and (4) $5 drinks among the (3) of us & we devoured our food like animals in the wild.


and then! aaron and i RUSHED over to the arclight to grab (1) more glass of wine before our 8:10p showing of:


with reserved back row seats, naturally.

and OMG I LURVED IT SO MUCH AND LARFED SO HARD AND I WAS SURROUNDED BY CHILDRENS BUT I DIDN'T CARE BECAUSE pandas! monkeys! snow leopards! etc etc. it was so much fun. (enhanced by vino, but still)

(ps. picture capture reads: WHAT THE DORK?!)

and then! we RUSHED home, aaron dropped me off and i fell promptly asleep in the massage chair with little cosette curled up on my feets. he returned some 2 hours later with 29 $100 bills and he said " HONEY! I SOLD MY CAR!" and i was happy.

then we threw the money on the floor and rolled in it. no, no we didn't.

saturday morning came way too fast and at 9:30a I was selecting (2) 4-lb weights and i was securing the back left corner of the room because that, obvsly, is ::my spot:: and then i pumped irons in power sculpt class for an hour, give or take, and then i crunched abs and lifted butt muscles and then, hot & sweaty still, i made my way down to el treadmillio and i gave that sucker 42 minutes of feet poundings and when i had clocked precisely 5 miles, i jumped off and said, see you tomorrow, yo.

an hour later i was nekkid, face down and errol was assuming the position of RUBBING THE DICKENS OUT OF MY MUSCLES for 50 -odd glorious minutes.

shortly thereafter, aaron and i made a $5 dollah pitstop at SUBWAY and mowed down our honey oat chicken breast jalapeno-laden FOOOOOTLOOOONGS while we cruised out to keyes audi on van nuys. keyes keyes keyes, keyes on VAN NUYS! you know it? no? neverminds!

then: test drive test drive test drive negotiate negotiate negotiate negotiate negotiate negotiate negotiate negotiate test drive BORED, negotiate.

FINALLY! keys to the 2005 silver audi a4 quatro 2.0 For Him and i slunk back to my 2001 silver audi a4 quatro 1.8 For Her.

we have matching cars. OH EM GEE. we are dorks. except his is 4 years newer (SEXIER!!) than mine.

well. then.

then? spicy spicy foods at tuk tuk (like FACE ON FIRE SPICY) and of course, some sweet vino, and then off to century city to see the late showing of "the strangers" wherein, at one point, my shrill scream escaped my mouth and echoed through the theater. scary. but also? sadly, NOT the best movie ever.


and then? sweet sweet post-car buying sleep.

sunday was an 11-mile jaunt(?) on the treadmill! then it was a BLISSSSFUL 90-minute massage care of the magical dodi that turned me into a puddle of mushhhhhh. massage face! i has it!

some salad for lunch, some laundry folded & cleaned, some house de-cluttered... and off we went to j & k's to watch the Celtics convincingly beat the Lake Show. KG is my homeboy. you know this.

so that was that.. a rat a tat tat.

i just completed 60 minutes of centering and soothing yoga moves, and, as i was rushing to make it to class on time (i RUSH everywhere these days, goshhhh) (and i was late! damn.) some gnarly old hippie dude called me a YOGA HOTTIE and to that i say GOOD DAY SIR! good day.


Anonymous said...

You're a hottie any way you look at it. :)
You know, I have a yoga book. Maybe I should quit procrastinating and actually open it.

Stephanie said...

This post is really fun. You sound like you were a little hyper while writing it or something! Also, 11 miles on the treadmill = awesome!

doro said...

so I am finally getting a car.. it's an Audi. Not my first choice as it is brand spakin new and let's face it, I am a shitty driver. I am scared by its beauty. And well, cost but my boyfriend insists as he has 4 cars between delivery vans and a band tour bus and doesn't want a new one added to the mix. Wish me luck.

Anonymous said...

This post explains exactly why I heart you...long time.

Maddy said...

Boyfriend and I loved Kung Fu Panda too! We just saw it yesterday. Yays all around!