stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.


better luck next year, again.

i guess i'll take the blame.

i didn't start the game yesterday with my lucky uggs on and i couldn't remember if we had Mu in his jersey last week when we eeked out a win or not. i wore my crisp new 69 - Allen jersey again, but i changed the leggings i paired with it. so, anyway, i'm sure one of the crucial ingredients for ensuring a vikings win was not perfectly in place. and for that, vikings fans, I AM SORRY.


i don't even know why i let myself get invested again. i WARNED myself not to let myself get my hopes up. but did i listen? no, of course not. myself is a rebellious bastard who listens to NO ONE! ESPECIALLY NOT MYSELF.

fast forward to a deflated me, head in hands, sour look on face, woefully watching mcnabb excessively demonstrating his excitement to have beat the Mighty Vikqueens. nearby, aaron was typing swear words into his facebook status, and we sank further into misery as the Minnesota contingent all expressed their disappointment via their facebook statuses. then? we just WALLOWED in it.

but were we surprised? nah. were we hopeful? sure. and i guess at the end of the day there's a lesson to learn here.

hope sucks.

*hangs jersey up in the back of the closet*


Anonymous said...

Let that be a lesson to you. Never change the lucky outfit. Pull the old leggings back out and try to restore the mojo.

Anonymous said...

Side note: Is Aaron auditioning to play Wolverine in the next X-Men movie?

Charlie Liakos said...

Go Pack!

ruby said...

1. yes, aaron is going to be wolverine

2. suck it liakos

ruby said...

1. yes, aaron is going to be wolverine

2. suck it liakos

rockinraquel said...

I even wore my lucky purple panties!!