stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.



i guess in some ways i'm glad the summer is over. it was just so much PRESSURE to always be out there doing fun things JUST BECAUSE it was summer. but then again, DAMNIT, i want a summer re-do. but i don't. i mean, there was a lot of stressful things that happened, and a lot of worrying and a lot of sleepless nights, sure. BUT. now. cosette is kicking ass and taking names, and aaron's back in the land of the living after a brief stint in VicodinVille, so all is well. I can't REGRET that my summer was not as fun-filled and fancy free as I could have hoped, but hey, WELCOME TO THE RIDE OF LIFE, RUBY. that's just how it flows, yo.

the other night over a couple of cocktails, liana told me that she heard that in the state of california, people UNDER 5 FEET TALL qualify as handicapped, and, as such, i should try to score myself a sweet parking pass and take full advantage of my disability. but then later, someone else at the party said they recently changed that law, and actually, naw, that is not the case anymore. and i was like DAMN. why does The Man have to keep Shorty down? i mean seriously.

so i have just over a week left of my body-for-life challenge and i'm happy to report i weighed in this morning at NEGATIVE 5 pounds from my original weight. however! i'm totally over this eating 6x per day thing, as i cannot for the life of me figure out how to balance my meals and eat the correct portion sizes. and frankly? i would just rather eff the carbohydrates and power up on protein, because when i do that, i feel like i can rule the universe. The Carbs (much like The Man) just conspire to keep Shorty down. and i'm done with you, The Carbs, soooo done.

however, working out 6x per week is the shizz. i do feel proud of doing that much. because when i say it's the shizz, i mean, OMG ITS HARDER THAN A BASTARD TO WORKOUT THAT MANY TIMES A WEEK! OK!?

on a parallel path, aaron is in the midst of dropping a significant amount of pounds for an upcoming test shoot of his big feature film project that he's doing with eddie. to be exact, i do believe aaron is attempting to drop 20 lbs by 9/29/09. which means 1 lb+ per day. i mean, KAZOINKS! right? but the "good" news is - the less he eats, the less i eat. everyone wins.

ESPECIALLY, my pants.

this past weekend was a rather lovely end to the "summer" even though, who are we kidding, i live in LA. seasons? what? and actually, if we are splitting any hairs, autumn officially begins on 9/22 .. which means... we still have some summertime partying left to do my friends. at any rate, aaron and i got massages on saturday and hi, WTF, where have you been all my summer, Massage? so grrroooood. then sunday was just like, chilling. i don't think we did much more than watch 800 episodes of curb your enthusiasm? maybe i had some wine? who knows. then monday we hung out on the rooftop with a fun downtown crew and made new friends and drank too much wine for sure, beacause i had a hangover at 10pm.

but! when i rose for work the next day @ 630am - BAM! back in it to win it.

on the horizon: jamie's bacherlorette party(...), VIKINGS FOOTBALL, jamie & johnny's wedding, various visitors and birthday parties and eassssing myself into "fall".
