stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.



bride's request

i swear, after this last piggyback ride at heather's wedding back in september, the "rides" are going back into retirement. i totally swear.



dephomo 12.6 & 12.7

last night, sunset on the pacific design center
today, celebrating new personal records for the LA half marathon
good times, ya'll!


spies like us.

one of these days i'm going to spin a tale about our alter ego spy identities.

for now, you just get a visual of that one night when we rocked the spy industry in the wabasha caves in st. paul, minnesota.

and yes, it's framed and placed strategically on our mantel, because that's just how we roll.



just a long over-due girls night out with ladies i worked with at my last job and one awesome dude that showed up and taught us all how to rock the world. is all.

the pink one is a grey goose pomegranate margarita. right? *drool*


my boyz

i mean, it's no secret that we are "those people" that dress our dogs jerseys, halloween costumes, santa outfits...
but you know what? it never gets old (to us).

at any rate, here are the two most handsome men i know, wearing the best color in tha universe.

it's no accident our vikes are #1 in the NFC North, what with the collective awesome jersey power of these two? can you even go wrong?

ya hearrrrrrd.

yeah. i know.


old is new.

today's dephomo theme is "something old," or some variation of that. i thought it would be appropriate to post a photo that was taken a few days ago when i was back home of some of my best friends - all of which were my best friends in high school.

it's been 14 years since we all graduated, but "magically" we've all remained in each other's lives. i'm proud of, amazed by and constantly in awe of these amazing ladies.

so, um, yay for girls that rock.


epic fail.

so i pretty much failed at the nablomo challenge. i blame: laziness, lack of internet access whilst in minneapolis, not enough time etc.

but now that i'm back and settling in, i am going to attempt a new challenge:


basically, a photo a day for the month of december. are you ready for it?

here's what happened when we took cosette to the park on a mild minneapolis winter day.

pretty much, she couldn't hack it. but aw, how cute is she in her hoodie?

and here's one i took today... you know. dephomo.