stuff about where I live and play, and maybe some stuff about where I work and play.



what's the deal with people who walk into an elevator before the people who are exiting get a chance to, um, exit? do you know this weird social abmormality? how daft do you have to be to ENTER while people are clearly trying to EXIT? i'm really, honestly, JUST SAYIN.

i like to call them 'vator invaders. because it rhymes. and i'm 8 years old.


Anonymous said...

try living in NYC and taking the subway to work everyday...thats the holy grail of invaders

c-kat said...

I'm not sure I've ever been on an elevator when that hasn't happened..."vator invaders" - good one - pretty much sums it up!

MD said...

Hot damn, you're right. I also hate it when you're already standing there waiting for the elevator and people wiggle their way in front of you and stand directly in front of the doors.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

people do this at my work all the time. bugs the crap out of me.